Safely, smoothly transfer what you need in less time… with less product loss.
Well-balanced and easy to maneuver and position, these transfer conveyors are available with collapsible hoppers and clearance as low as 6 1/2 inches to fit under bulk trailers. Convey-All conveyors come with gas, electric, or hydraulic drives, and have a wide variety of other options including tube diameter, belt size, clearance, and even the type of steel your conveyor system is constructed from.
UBGN 1014
Get a clearance as low as 6 ½ inches with smooth flow and less product loss.
UBSNH 1015
Convey high-capacity volumes with quick, accurate re-positioning.
UBSNH 1418
Handle the largest loads with a 22-inch wide belt and superior product control.
DOSNH 1426
Position easily under trucks and trailers, with flaps to contain product during unloading.
Unload rail cars swiftly and smoothly with less than 5 inches of low profile.
Get high product capacity unloading rail cars and other bins with quick setup.